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3 Day Potty Training - Lora Jensen - Book Summary

The principles of the  3 Day program are (in no particular order): Love, Consistency, Dedication, Positive Reinforcement, Patience, Focus.

Wait for readiness signs:

The ability for the child to frequently communicate his wants (not necessarily using speech).

Being able to go to bed without a bottle or cup

(only for children under the age of 22 months) waking up dry.

Points to notice:

22 months of age is the ideal age to be potty trained.

For this to work - you need to spend these 3 days very close to your child and not do any other time-consuming activity (like napping, running errands, working, etc) - Instead - you want to pick up on their signs that they need to go, and catch any “accident” so they can complete it in the bathroom. If you have other children - try to get them a babysitter - as this will require your focus for the entire 3 days, and if you can’t you, still need to be with your child at all times - and you should take him with you (including to your bathroom breaks).

Make sure you do not lose your patience with your child or be frustrated with him throughout the process. This should be a fun time for the child and you should only use positive reinforcement and praise.

In this system, you do both night and day at the same time.

Before you start:

Choose when to do it - choose 3 consecutive days when you are free to do nothing but the training, have no traveling plans, no work, etc. Do joint activities with your child, or chores that you can stop at any given time and do while your child is close to you.

If you used any other training method - stop it and wait 30 days - so you both have a clean slate.

2 weeks before - start referring to poop in the diaper as “yucky” and help your child throw it to the garbage can.

A few days before - start your child on a high fiber diet (to make sure he is not constipated), read the guide a few times (you will not be able to read it during), get 20-30 underwear (some can be bigger for future use), potty and rewards (stickers, toys, etc) and make sure you got all your laundry done.


Throw all your diaper away. Let your child help. Psychologically for you - throw everything - and don’t leave anything “just in case”.

Dress him in underwear and T-shirt only, and tell him he should keep the underwear dry, and let you know when he has to go.  You want to identify any leak as soon as possible. Praise him on how big he is.

Give him as much liquids as possible - to allow him the chance to practice as much as possible during those 3 days.

If you use a potty - put it in the bathroom - so he learns to go there.

Constantly remind your child to tell you when he has to go - make sure not to ask if he needs to go - so he understands it’s his responsibility and he has the power.

Whenever you see he has to go (doing the pee-pee dance), or start going in his underwear - rush him to the bathroom and put him to the toilet. If he already started pooping - drop the poop from the underwear to the toilet.

Praise him whenever the underwear is dry. Praise when he pees/poops in the toilet (including when he only finished going after starting in the underwear, or only a few drops at a time). Make it fun, and exciting for him, and praise as much as you can. Use rewards on the toilet.

No scolding for failures. Just take him to the bathroom to finish, change the underwear and remind him to keep the underwear dry and let you know when he needs to go. When changing - always standing, never lying down like a baby.

Do not put him on the toilet to “try” or if you think he has to go - this defies to point of him learning to identify the signs. If he tries and fails - take him off the toilet and try again later.

Never force your child to do anything. Not drink, not sit on the toilet. You want this to be fun, and let him have the control.

During nap:

Take him to the bathroom before going to bed, and again right after waking up.

During the night:

Stop liquids 2-3 hours before going to bed. If the child is thirsty - give him water sips - but not full glasses of water.

Start your night routine with taking him to the bathroom to pee, and again when you are done (it’s OK if nothing comes out).

If he is still not waking up dry - wake him up an hour after going to sleep and an hour after going to sleep so he will learn to wake up and go to the bathroom. Also listen - if he is uneasy during the night - you should take him to go pee. If they wet the bed - change the sheets. No fuss.


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